Monday, January 9, 2012

Al Principio

¡Hola mis amigos!

Bién venidos al primer blog de "Altísimo: A Muse of Mexio" Usualmente este blog será en inglés, pero, a causa del gran "chido" de español, no puedo evitarlo (ní lo quiero). Entónces, a veces este blog será en "espanglish" que es muy mal escrito.

Well, first off, I am very excited to officially begin my Field Study with the prep course that is provided. I hope that as I go along in this course I will learn more of what I can do to maximize my experience in Mexico this summer.

Let me explain my research project. During my three month stay in Irapuato, Mexico this summer I will interview many long time members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints within the area of Irapuato, and I will compile a History of the LDS church within the Irapuato area.

In the past there have been some broader histories published concerning the Church in Mexico as a whole, but very few research has been done on the spread of the LDS faith within a smaller, more localized area of Mexico.

I will be working under the direction of Librarian Mark Grover, who has completed many similar histories in different parts of Latin America. He will teach me how to conduct the necessary interviews and transcribe them so that they may be used in my history of Irapuato.

That is my project, insofar as it is yet developed, in a nutshell. I have several questions concerning what I can do each day towards my project while I am in Mexico, as well as what type of things that I can do to get to know the people and the culture better. I also am concerned with enhancing my language skills and what in field methods will prove the most effective.

I hope that as this blog goes on through the semester, and is carried on in Irapuato, that both you and I will discover a little more about what it means to be an LDS member in Mexico, what it is like to be "the tallest," and what wonderful things we can learn of our brethren in Mexico from this upcoming cultural sojourn.

With Love,

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