They are so nice here!
I have only been in Mexico for 4 days now, but I am quite "whelmed" as to how nice they are here, indeed it may be said that I am "over"whelmed with joy because of it =) Everyone is super helpful. In my prep-course they talked about the different stages of culture shock, being the honeymoon stage (everything is new and interesting here) the irritation phase (things should be like they are at home) the adjustment phase (just like it sounds) and the bi-cultural stage (Yay, I love both places!). Besides a little bit yesterday when I was feeling slightly sick (all good now =) ) I have definitely been in the honeymoon stage, and I hope to keep the two middle stages as short-lasting as possible.
So, cool things... I already I have made several friends... we went to go see The Avengers on Wednesday and while waiting in line I met a family just as excited to see it as me (which is saying something, I brought my captain america shirt solely for that movie). They were excited to meet me because Felipe was really tall, but not as tall as me. We´ve become friends and should meet up sometime to practice our Spanish and English respectively.
Today after the others left for the Racheritos I went and ate a huge lunch of delicious rice, beans, and puerco in a picante sauce, complete with lime and onions and everything authentic. I filled myself up for like $2.40 USD! Then went and spent an hour in the Museum of the City of Irapuato learning about the history and the culture here. I love museums and could spend tons of time alone in each. On the way back towards my apartment I decided to stop in a "libreria" (bookstore) and the guy behind the counter was playing guitar, so after talking for a bit he let me play his guitar (we both love the band Coldplay). We were talking and I mentioned my project about the history of the LDS Church in Irapuato, and he told me he had a friend who was Mormon... which happened to be one of the few people that I know so far in my 2 day stay in Irapuato. Long story short, we´re going to get together to play guitar, platicar (chat, converse), and help each other learn each other´s languages.
On my way home I saw a little girl asking for her dad to pick a flower from a high tree, I asked if they wanted help and helped them choose a good one. I met the whole family there in el centro and they were just so kind and talked with me for a while.
What a great place this is.
Basically, I´m seeing every sign that everything I hoped for and more will come to me in these few months in Mexico. Each day I am learning more Spanish... the more I come to know the members here the easier my project seems to be able to complete... with every person that I meet I am reminded of how kind and hospitable these people are... the city is beautiful... I love spanish music and food.
Todo me trata bién =)
Ah! I'm so jealous just reading your blog! You sound like a natural field studies student just meeting people and making friends left and right. Glad you're so excited about the experiences you're going to have and that you're meeting some of my favorite people in the world!