Monday, March 19, 2012

Transcription and Translation

I have been trying to discover some Spanish music that I like, and luckily I have found some to help me get in the mood-- artists like Gaby Moreno and Reik.  I'm still searching and finding new things, but listening to Spanish music has got me thinking recently about a few of the most challenging aspects that will come with my project-- transcribing and translation.

As I think about what lies ahead, those are the two things that scare me most about my project.  I mean, I believe that I have the gumption and the moxie to get out and start talking with people and improve my speaking skills, but what if I can't understand the interviews on the audio recordings? What if I don't know any of the words that are used in the interviews? How am I going to even hope to translate these stories into English? And what about translating my own words into Spanish?

 I will, of course, need some supplies such as a great dictionary (both an English/Spanish dictionary, as well as just an amazing Spanish dictionary), I will need some of the best audio recording supplies, something that picks up great sound, is portable, and has an easily manageable playback capability. But besides supplies, I will need a definite skill set to take with me to the field, for without that experience I will come to a complete standstill.

I have therefore determined that I need to be doing a few activities that will help me practice my transcribing and translation.  I have a book about Spanish translation that I will be reading, but I want to get some actual practice in.  I'm sure there are many ways to do this, and I am open to suggestions, but I think I have had one great idea... with a little help from Gaby and Reik, I have all the material I need!

Listening closely to the songs that I have recently discovered, and trying to transcribe "la letra" [the lyrics] will be a great way to help me practice, and give me some practical ideas and tips that can only come from experience.  I'm sure it will be hard to understand all of the lyrics over the music, but that's why I'm practicing right?  Then I will try to create my own rough translation of the lyrics.

The best part about this, is it means listening to more music that I like... :)


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